torsdag 22. januar 2015


Part 5
Acting for Animatiors

In this assignment we were asked to download one of the Max Rigs then go on Internet and find fascial expressions and try to replicate them with a Max Rig. I downloaded the Max Rig not the lowmax one and i noticed that it was missing couple controllers like one for eyebrow's wasn't working and also there were no controllers for eyelids. So considering this some of the expressions are a bit weird didn't really get them to line up the right way but i had to improvise with what i had.


The creator of the Rig stated that the Rig is fully functional however you shouldn't merge the file with an already existing scene due to the problems with IK name etc etc. However i did this when i was animating the lift clip and for this assignment i opened up a fresh file so i don't know how the problem persisted. I deleted the scene and the Rig thinking it might have affected the Rig file it self so i downloaded a new one but its the same thing there. Think next time i do this im just gonna download the LowMax Rig instead. 

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