torsdag 8. januar 2015

Creative Animation Overview

Creative Animation Film Overview

  • Dots 1940:
I have to say that this is the first time i encounter this type of animation so my first reaction would be somewhere along the lines of art that's the first thing that pop's in my head.

For some reason i don't like it and i find it pretty annoying to watch maybe that's the whole point of it, who knows? 

Like i said this is the typical type of animation you would expect to see in Art galleries cause it would only appeal to certain type of people not everyone would enjoy this. And its because of the style its kinda rough and more appealing to adults you might say.

  • Fantasmagorie 1908: 
This reminds me of some of the early Disney cartoons, i have also seen it in like old movies about the 1940's and they show this kinda of stuff in theaters. Should also mention animation documentary ones that show how it all started this is kinda like the start of animation age you might say!

I liked this little animation movie cause it shows how people use to make animation back in the old days and how its not so different from how we do it today. The progress going from a drawing board everything is the same the quality and executing the animation might be different. But before you can start making stuff in 3D programs you still have to draw the story-line on a drawing board. 

Type of this animation is mainly seen in documentaries about cartoons or in old animation movies from the 1900. I mean its not steamboat Willie either but it's even earlier then that. So you would expect finding this in old movies, documentaries about how it all started or even in a cartoon/animation museum, i wouldn't be surprise if you found something like this in Disney's museum.

  • Cafe Serre 2009:
Typical student movie i can definitely relate to this type of short movies as made couple of those myself in the past.

Funny short animation film with a good pace i liked it, was well execute and the quality is pretty good. Only thing i would complain about are the facial expression of the cop character, which are pretty minimal in this movie. They should have gone and overdone it as these animations films are much better and more clear to read when characters expressions are more shown. But i mean i wouldn't down-rate it just cause of that it was still funny but if they wanted to adjust it abit more the facial expressions would be the cherry on the top.

You would expect to see this type of animation movie on the internet or on TV (if it was longer) but this is typical student work cause of it duration. The quality it self is pretty good which would make it TV worthy it's funny, colorful and non-violent which makes it perfect for kids.  And i wouldn't hesitate to say that it would appeal to grown ups even.

  • Pocoyo 2007:
This is the same kinda type of animation as Cafe Serre except this is clearly a studio produced animation movie made for kids. There's no doubt about that this belongs on TV and i have seen couple of similar animation movies like this could mention that its become more and more popular. You barely see any of those drawing animated movies anymore like Lion king or Atlantis now it's all about Shrek and Ice Age type of animations.

Pocoyo was okay nothing to like or dislike since i don't any interest in these types of animated films there is just one thing i dont get and thats the human character. Why does he keep on jumping on his head i mean this show is made for kids, why would you give a kid the idea of jumping on his head?

Context of this animated film would be on TV like kid hour i don't know the right name since i barely watch English television. But it's main viewers would kid's even thou there are some sceens which i find pretty weird.

  • Cyber Evolution 2007:
Can't say for sure that i have seen anything like this before but i think i have seen something similar on TV, the intro of the TV show "Big bang theory" has this kinda a thing with human evolution.
Which is kinda like this starts in same way and just keep on going to the final state, that's the first thing that came to my mind.

I have to say that i liked this short film the soundtrack was perfectly matched with the animation and the film it self was very fascinating. There's this artistic side to it and it kinda mesmerizes you can't really describe it better then that.

Have to say that this does belong in a Art gallery but it also would works as a really awesome intro for a TV show or something. It has this artistic side which is why i said it belonged in a art gallery but it also has this intro kinda feeling which is why it could also work as a intro for a computer science tv show.

  • Toyota / APT Prod. 2006
This is a typical animated commercial which you almost see daily on TV to make you feel good for driving a Prius and everyone who doesn't make them feel like crap. 

I don't like commercial but then again i dont watch much tv, i mean who loves commercials in general unless its something about hot chicks or something funny? :) Anyways back to this commercial it's pretty good cause you clearly get the message from the commercial. I liked how they executed this commercial they knew what they wanted to focus on and they did so through the whole commercial and still got the message out to the audience.

Not much to say or debate here it's clearly TV material or maybe car shop.

Finding the connection

There is a clear relation between the short film "Cafe Serre" and the work i have done in the past while i was studying. We had this project can't entirely remember the name of it but it had something to do with police and gangsters. Thing that caught my eye in Cafe Serre was the fact that it was happening in a Cafe kinda like in our short film and it was the same quality similar characters. Also the fact that they didn't overdo the facial expression is also another thing which we did as well and then the teacher told us to make it more obvious.

The fact that its a student short film is another thing i can relate to, it doesn't matter if it's not perfect you learn from your mistakes i know we did. 

Future 3D Film Production

This is what i had in mind as an example for a short film i wanna create something that either make people laugh or gives them goose bumps. This is what i want to aim for it doesn't have to be some studio quality short film, just as long i can do good animation and at same time bring the message to the audience. I've always loved making people laugh and that's just who i am a part of my personality and i want to have the ability to bring that into my animation!



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