tirsdag 10. mai 2016

Script - Joke's on the joker

Script - Joke's on the joker
Milan M.

Joe just finished at the work and he had the day planned out, he was going to watch the football match between his favorit team and their arch enemy. On his way home he stopped by the market to buy beer and some snacks for the game. Joe steps in the market takes one of the carts and starts phasing fast through the store picking up snacks.
When he gets to the beer department he sees an old lady who picks up the last 6 pack of his favorit beer. Joe is all about rituals before his teams plays so he had to have his beer. So he decided that he would swap out another brand of 6 pack beer out with the one old women picked up while she wasn't looking. 
As they both reached the counter and old lady started putting her grocheries and food on the counter Joe swaps out the beer while shes not looking. Joe starts smirking thinking he got away with fooling the old lady.
Joe starts unloading his stuff out of the cart and onto the counter while the old lady is packing up her grocery. While Joe was paying for the snacks the old lady swapped the 6 pack beers without Joe even noticing. Joe thinking he fooled an old lady he should atleast offer her to carry her groceries to her car, which he did and she gladely accepted it.
When Joe got home he flings his shoes dumps all the snacks on the table and jumps into the sofa and turns on the game. He then takes his hand into the bag without looking away from the game to pick up one of his favorit beer's and just when he opens the beer can he notices that it's a different brand and gets all rilled up and start's yelling. He can't belief that he got outsmart by and old lady...

(This is where i was thinking i could cut to another scene, to the old lady's home where she is sitting in her sofa with her feet on the  table watching the same game cheering for the opposite team and drinking Joe's beer.)

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