mandag 26. oktober 2015

Project 8 PreViz

Project 8

Project 08 Previsualization:

Previsualization also know as pre-rendering, preview or wireframe windows is a function to visualize complex scenes in a movie before filming. It is also a concept in still photography. Previsualization is applied to techniques such as storyboarding, either in the form of charcoal drawn sketches or in digital technology in the planning and conceptualization of movie scenery.

Previsualization allow directors to experiment with different staging and art direction options, such as lighting, camera placement and movement, stage direction and editing without any cost increases to the actual production. Previsualization can add music, sound effect and dialogue to closely emulate the look of fully produced and edited sequences and are most encountered in scenes that involves special effects.


Started creating the scene for the pre-viz based on my animatic story but before that i had to decide which scene i was going to make since i had a lot of different scenes in my storyboard. I started making the first scene simply because i liked it more then the other once and i kinda had figured out where i was going with the scene. So i designed the street, houses and the main house which was more detailed then rest of them. 
I didn't give to much attention to the rest of the street as to the main house which the main character was living in, simply because the cameras weren't going to show too much of the background. 


I have already worked on other animation project and were used to the camera angles and how to position them however i have never gone too much into it when it comes to lenses. That's about the only thing i don't know much about since we didn't get into it with the teacher. But from what i understood you use the different lenses based on the distance between the camera and the object  your recording.


Since this was just a pre-viz i didn't put in too much information in the animation movements but just enough to kinda hint as to what the character is doing. However i have so many ideas how to improve but i couldn't add them all in the pre-viz. Besides having render errors and rigs not getting animated for some weird reason i was struggling with getting this done in time. 
Instead of putting 2 scene's in the pre-viz like i planned i went for one however the  first scene is suppose to be during the early morning and is suppose to be dark. But since i was struggling with the render i cut that out, but i'm still gonna use that later on. 

The street and rest of the neighborhood houses are in minimum details simply because they aren't in the camera angle and you wont see them so there was no point. But i just made it in case i wanted to change something. I also had to change the Rig since the one i was using seemed to be bugged or something which i later on found out to be bugging cause i was resizing the rig. And the other thing was that i didn't merge the files correctly.


I'm not so satisfied with the project due the problems i had where i had to cut out half of the animation i had intended to send. Also the video or the preview went kinda too fast cause i didn't tweak it well enough on the timeline. The camerawork was fine could be better also the lens sizes could have probably helped the animation. As for the scenery i think its good enough for a pre-viz, you don't really need anything better then that atleast for a pre-viz!

lørdag 24. oktober 2015



Posting some new side projects i have been working on for the fun of it and some for a friend who needed new tabs for Twitch stream. I also have some drawings that i'm gonna post soon as i deliver the project i'm currently working on. :)