torsdag 11. juni 2015

Project 05 Treatment

Project 05

Project 05:

So in this project the assignment was to use one of those pitch ideas ive done  earlier and turn it into a script but before that i had to do the "Treatment". What is treatment you might ask? 

Treatment is basically a document made solely for the writers or directors own story development purposes. 


Pitch Idea's

So i first started with the idea's i already had from the assignment before but i also added a couple on the run. I was struggling after i wrote down around 10 of them the idea's just stopped coming so i went through the pitches one by one added some idea's to each pitch and there were couple pitches that stood out. I wanted something funny and interesting something that would catch viewers attention.



So as i finished up adding some ideas to each pitch like i said some idea's stood out more and the one i picked was " A young man faces all kinds of difficulties to get to work on time. ".  I wanted to have a funny concept with a normal character who experiences the most unlucky day of his life where everything just goes upside down. Story needs to be short, easy to understand, have a goal or ultimatum and also be able to relate to the audience. I also wanted to have a surprise twist on the end of the story.


The character thinks its just a bad dream to the end until he in the end realizes that it all actually did happen to him.

3. Script

Script Treatment
Unlucky day
By: Milan Maric

Act 1: Ready, set and go
A middle aged man by the name John wakes up to a nightmare which has been haunting him for past two weeks, due to the fact that his boss at work has been threatening with firing him cause of coming late to work.
The man starts to panic when he sees that he forgot to set up the alarm on the clock.
Without too much thinking he jumps out of the bed and runs downstairs to quickly mix and mashes something real quick for breakfast.
John eats breakfast, showers, shaves and brushes his teeth in what would seem like couple minutes only to stop in-front of his car after realizing that his car is broken.
The panic is slowly creeping into him and the stress, he needs to figure out something really fast or hes gonna be late to work again.
Just when John was ready to give in, his eyes caught a glimpse of his old bike the happiness on his face...priceless.

Act 2: Trip
The fresh air is calming John down and brings back old thoughts and chill feelings but he knows he has to hurry even thou work is downtown it will take at least half an hour to get there on bike.
John knowing the way by heart knows that there is going to be a traffic jam on the main street so he decides to take a shortcut .As he was breaking to take the shortcut John realized that the breaks on the bike weren't as good as they used to, so he had to be careful.
The time was starting to catch up with him and just in-front of him there was a cleaning truck, dusting away all the rubble from the winter snow, John having bad time turns to left side to pass the truck. Just as he was turning left an car is rushing towards John on the opposite lane.
He panics and immediately turns left ride over to the sidewalk but what John didn't see was the the sidewalk was leading to some stairs. John tries to break but the breaks were broken, the bike breaks up in two and he falls off the bike.
Luckily he didn't get too beat up it was just some scratch injuries he could live with, he picks him self up and the bike parts all in disappointment and keeps walking to work rest of the way.

Act 3: Destination
John is walking with the parts of what used to be his bike towards his work and hes almost there he can see the building and hes imagining in his head all kinds of hell his boss is going to give to him. But he doesn't really care he already knows that he is going to get fired.
As he got to the building John sees the "CLOSED" sign on the door and then it hits him, it's actually Saturday today. The man burst into pure happiness only to be followed by rage cause of everything that happened to him today.
In his enraged state he grabs one of the bicycle wheels and throws it without looking, the wheel flies over couple parked cars only to hit a police car which was parked.
Out of the car two police officers step out and walk towards John, the young man out of exhaustion passes out.
John wakes up in a bed with pillow and sheets starring towards the ceiling, as hes realizing that this all was just a bad dream a fat smile slowly forms on his face.
Feeling back to normal he turns to the side still smiling only to abruptly find out that everything that he thought was happening to him in a dream actually did happen and that he was in jail!


Reading through this couple times it doesn't look like best thing ive done but this is the first time i do this. Ive done projects like this before but ive never done this whole "treatment" so there will probably be some mistakes! I had couple good pitch idea's but this one was just easy to write, like everything just came togheter right. If there was more time i would have done more work on this cause it could be better but for now im fine with it!

fredag 5. juni 2015



So ive been pretty inactive when it comes to the blog due to some personal issues etc etc, however ive been working on some stuff in my spare time! Some of the sketches are unfinished and need alot work while others are almost done! I also  had some work done in 3d max which i will post in couple days cause im currently busy with the new project! So here are the drawings ive been working on so far:

   So this is the currently ones i could find on my main pc i will post more soon as i transfer rest from my laptop since i use it for drawing and main pc for 3d max. All these drawings and the Website header were done in photoshop these past 2 months with the exception the wolf was made long time ago but ive never posted it so  here it is! :)

Like i said i'll post rest of the sketches probably tomarrow i just need to transfer them from my laptop and as for the 3d max work i'll post that in couple days!